Take a look at the photo below,it is the result of water damage,and there are a lot of other acts of god which can reduce your precious photos and video memories to the garbage bin.
But one of the biggest destroyers of photos and videos is TIME!
Let's take a look at some solid facts:
Slides,photos and negatives start deteriorating after 30-40 years.
This is a very slow process and for most is not detected until it's to late.
Why do photos deteriorate so quickly?
Black and white photos taken early in the 20th century believe it or not last longer than the color photos of today,mainly due to the fact that they used a different process,whereas color photos use dyes which after a period of time fade and degrade.
And then we go on to VHS or video tapes as they are known,these have an even shorter quality of life around 10 to 20 years,so now might be a good time to have a look at your old tapes,slides and photos and see if they are showing signs of wear...and then decide whether to leave it a little while longer and take the risk,or be proactive and act on it now!
Below is an interesting item that helps explain why photo and video archiving is important:
But one of the biggest destroyers of photos and videos is TIME!
Let's take a look at some solid facts:
Slides,photos and negatives start deteriorating after 30-40 years.
This is a very slow process and for most is not detected until it's to late.
Why do photos deteriorate so quickly?
Black and white photos taken early in the 20th century believe it or not last longer than the color photos of today,mainly due to the fact that they used a different process,whereas color photos use dyes which after a period of time fade and degrade.
And then we go on to VHS or video tapes as they are known,these have an even shorter quality of life around 10 to 20 years,so now might be a good time to have a look at your old tapes,slides and photos and see if they are showing signs of wear...and then decide whether to leave it a little while longer and take the risk,or be proactive and act on it now!
Below is an interesting item that helps explain why photo and video archiving is important:
Because nothing lasts forever-but we have the technology to make it last for a very long time.
Slides and photos do last a while but for them to last for many generations you would have to care for them in a very precise way.
Museums and governments spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep original material like film,photos and documents preserved and that means keeping them all in a very tightly controlled environment...they also make digital copies of these films,photos and documents because they know it is the best way of keeping them safe.
How would you feel if you went to look at your photos or slides and found them all faded.
All those memories lost forever!
And it could happen because of the nature of these photos and slides which are basically chemically based and chemicals break down,and this can happen very quickly.
And video tapes are also very prone to deterioration very quickly,after ten years they start down the road of irreparable damage-and once these tapes are damaged there is no way of being able to restore them,so waiting until you have the time to organize these things could be costly.
You may see mold on your tapes...but don't despair,these can often be cleaned for a fairly low cost even if it looks as though they are covered in white mold it is most of the time only on the surface.
Slides and photos do last a while but for them to last for many generations you would have to care for them in a very precise way.
Museums and governments spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep original material like film,photos and documents preserved and that means keeping them all in a very tightly controlled environment...they also make digital copies of these films,photos and documents because they know it is the best way of keeping them safe.
How would you feel if you went to look at your photos or slides and found them all faded.
All those memories lost forever!
And it could happen because of the nature of these photos and slides which are basically chemically based and chemicals break down,and this can happen very quickly.
And video tapes are also very prone to deterioration very quickly,after ten years they start down the road of irreparable damage-and once these tapes are damaged there is no way of being able to restore them,so waiting until you have the time to organize these things could be costly.
You may see mold on your tapes...but don't despair,these can often be cleaned for a fairly low cost even if it looks as though they are covered in white mold it is most of the time only on the surface.
What do we do?
- To put it simply we scan,enhance and place slides and photos and videos onto a USB as an image file or placed into a slideshow as a Video file-or both.
- It's an easy and uncomplicated way of viewing your old slides,photos and video tapes.
- No more having half a dozen people crowding around a photo more dusting off the slide projector and setting up a screen and loading all the slides,most of which end up upside down or back to front!
- Most modern TV's now are capable of playing USB's,so it's just plug n play,and they can be easily edited on a computer.